Welcome to my Engineering Portfolio

Project Highlights

Storage Frame: Structural Analysis

Evaluated and built a storage frame used to store and transport radioactive waste material more efficiently using structural and lifting analysis. More info

Trillium Lifting Lug Bushing: Design

Designed, evaluated, and developed a tool used to aid in the lifting of the Trillium waste package. More info

Waste Container: Heat Transfer Calc

Analyzed the internal temperature and pressure behaviour of a radioactive waste package over time using heat transfer methods. More info

Capstone Project: Hydraulic Analysis

Analyzed the structural integrity of a hydraulic cylinder under linear and nonlinear loading. More info

Road Runner: CAD Assembly

Read and interpreted 100+ engineering drawings and built a SolidWorks assembly consisting of 1500+ individual parts. More info

Class Projects: FEA & CFD

Experience working on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using SolidWorks software. More info

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